Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I thought I would never see the day; maybe there is some hope for my moral fiber. Yesterday, after hearing about listening to, and re-listening to Lady Gaga’s songs, reading her lyrics, and reading her background on Wikipedia, I went to work on a post that displayed my, “in the heat of the moment,” feelings toward her. Those that read it should pay attention to what follows in this post, and those that did not get the chance, I regret to inform, will probably never get the opportunity, for I have tranformed the post back into a mere draft that will remain in my creative writing archives for…

Basically, in my post, I went into great detail about the components of Gaga and her music, and consequently, I did not speak too favorably of either, to put it lightly. Despite there being some conveniently, cleverly written blurbs, it was in poor taste. For the most part, I look favorably on things, food movies, wines, and songs, which impart a lasting memory within my mind. Gaga’s songs did that, whether i want to admit it, accept it or not, they did. Therefore, I must uphold my own integrity by stating that while what she created is far from transcendent, it does possess some characteristics with merit. Simply put, the sound of her songs, particulary Bad Romance, is catchy.

After typing my post yesterday, in between humming Bad Romance in my head, I thought about what I wrote about it and its creator. Though complexity and greatness can come together to produce some wonderful things, like a good bottle of aged Cab, simplicity and greatness are just as likely to occur together, as in Italian cooking. There is not much to the lyrics of her songs, in what they mean an how they make me think, but they blen well with the music and keep the song moving forward. Even the spoken sounds that are intended only to enhance the music itself, add something intangible, nevertheless, appealing to the song.

For a band, or musical group, to become popular and remain so for many years, across more than one generation, is a feat of note. However, it should not dichotomous; that is, one should not embark on a musical career with the sole intention of enduring the times. Make the music for today, put it out there today, get your fans to like it today, and if tomorrow the song(s) is forgotten, write another one. Live for the moment; like what is happening now. Of course, I did compose yesterday’s blog, given my immediate mood, ad that led to a bad aftertaste in my brain, but no philosophy is completely universal.

I said that Gaga’s songs sound no different than any other pop song out today. That is about as true as saying Black Dog and Free bird sound the same just because the primary instruments used were guitars. Though the style of Gaga’s songs is similar to that of many other pop songs blairing out of club speakers across the world, that is because they are songs from the same genre; they are supposed to sound the same.

Beginning a couple hours after I posted yesterday, I actually felt bad that I had made public such hateful feelings. It is not my right to put my values on to others; although it is unlikely that “Gaga Rules” will end up on the inside of my college ring (“Metallica Rules” is on the inside of my high school ring), that should not keep me, nor anyone else from enjoying a different flavor of music. “Heat” is not my favorite movie of all time, but I continue to re-watch it and I still enjoy each time.

So, I feel better. Though I do not believe in them, some might say my conscience is now clear. It is just more enjoyable for me to speak favorably about things I experience. That fact does not and will not prevent me from keeping my eyes open to the harsh truths of reality, but trying to see the good in most situations is healthy. Do not confuse that with the group of people who extract and distill good out of everything, which is impossible, illogical, and unrealistic.

Being one who does not like to rock the boat, if you are popular, keep comin, what the crowd deeming you popular, seeks.


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